Badjelly the Witch. A colourful cast of characters, including a witch, a giant, a worm and an eagle, take the stage in Unity Theatre’s production of the play based on Spike Milligan’s beloved book. Unity Theatre, 209 Ormond Rd.
150-year anniversary of Poverty Bay A&P Association. A seated dinner with live entertainment. From 5pm. Showgrounds Park and Event Centre, 20 Main Rd, Makaraka. Tickets available at the A&P Showgrounds office or email
Scorched Earth 2025. An epic night of head-banging madness with bands Monolith, Villains Valley, Leon Rouge and Before the Flood. 7.30pm, Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St. $20 at the door or $10 presales.
Sunday, March 23
Gisborne Tramping Club. Circuit walk over farmland near Patutahi. 8.30am-1pm, Waituhi hills, Lavenham Rd. Everyone welcome. To attend, contact Adrienne Stevens (06)8627631.
Teddy Bears' Picnic. Dress in your favourite costume and bring your most loved teddy, a picnic lunch and enjoy a family day out. Annual fundraiser for The Friends of Eastwoodhill. 10am-2pm, Eastwoodhill Arboretum, 2392 Wharekopae Rd, Ngatapa. Gold coin entry.
Feminine Embodiment Class. A nourishing dance medicine. It’s not just dancing – it’s healing. 10am-11am, Reset Studio, upstairs at Poverty Bay Club, 38 Childers Rd.
Coming Up
Tuesday, March 25
Chatter ‘n platter. A brand new event for women to help promote community and connection. A chance to meet new people and share good food and conversation. 18+. 5.30pm-9.30pm, Midway Surf Rescue Community Hub, Centennial Marine Drive, $15.
Friday, April 11
Reb Fountain - How Love Bends Tour. Reb Fountain and her band are embarking on a nationwide tour throughout April and May 2025. Playing her signature blend of art pop, folk and rock, The Dome Bar. 38 Childers Rd.
Regular events
• 500 Card Club: Poverty Bay Bowling Club. 111 Ormond Rd, 1pm-4pm, $3. Ph Tony 863 3468.
• Fun Dancing Gisborne – Modern Sequence and Social Ballroom: St Andrew’s Church hall, 176 Cobden St, 7.30pm-9.30pm, $7. Ph Kev or Isabel 867 0074 or 021 181 2414.
• Gisborne Orchestra rehearsals. 7.30pm-9pm, Gisborne Intermediate. New players welcome. For more info, contact Jill 021 756.364 or email
• Badminton: Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, senior groups - social morning club, 9am-11am. $5. Ph Leslie 0274156872.
Gisborne Badminton Club, 7pm-9pm. Ph Kevin (06)8671416.
• Sun City Spinners: Poverty Bay Bowling Club, 111 Ormond Rd, 9am-11.30am, fees apply, ph Dale (06)8675083 or email
• He Kākano: Popular singalong baby session for the under-2s. H.B. Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 10.30am, free.
• Gisborne Line Dancing: Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, 4.30pm-7.30pm, ph Kerry 0211024890.
• Hāpu Māmā Aqua Class: Focuses on keeping mums-to-be comfortably active while their puku and pēpi are supported by the water. Kiwa Pools, 45 Centennial Marine Drive, 6.30pm-7.15pm.
• Badminton: Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd. Gisborne Pinoy Smashers, 6pm-8pm. Ph Alfred 0273072318.
Patutahi community hall - Patutahi Badminton Club, 7.30pm-9.30pm. Ph Ron 0274460146.
• Croquet: Barry Memorial Croquet Club summer season of twilight croquet. 4pm start. Equipment and coaching available, $3 for non-members. 530 Aberdeen Rd.
• Badminton: Badminton centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, junior age groups – Kiwi Shots (Years 3-6), 3.30pm-4.30pm, $10; Mid Shots (Years 7-8), 4.45pm-5.45pm, $10; Hot Shots (Years 9-13), 6pm-7.30pm, $12. Badminton Centre, 154 Roebuck Rd. Ph Geoff 0276568222.
Adult coaching - basic coaching and games. 7.30pm to 9.30pm, $10. Ph Hamish 0274456234
• Fifties Forward Low Impact Aerobics. YMCA. 9.30am – first class free, otherwise $2. 447 Childers Rd.
• Mainly Music: A fun music group for preschoolers. St Andrew’s Church community centre, 176 Cobden St, 9.45am, $4/family. Ph Trish (06)867 2789 or (06)868 5513.
• Gisborne Concert Band: 6.30pm-8pm, The Bandroom, 200 Childers Rd. If you play brass, woodwind or percussion, come and join. New musicians welcome.
• Te Pihinga/Little Sprouts: Fun singalong and story time for 2 to 5-year-olds. H.B. Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 9.30am, free.
• Gisborne Line Dancing: Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, 6pm-8pm, ph Kerry 021 102 4890.
• Gisborne Caledonian Society Practice: Social, modern and sequence dancing. Holy Trinity Church Hall, 70 Derby St, 7.30pm-9.30pm, $5, ph Pat 0210497148.
• Badminton: Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd - Thursday morning casual group, 9am-11am. $5. Inquiries to
• Friday Stairs Workout: Lower carpark, Titirangi/Kaiti Hill 5.55am, workout 6am-6.40am.
• Gisborne Parkrun: Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club, 280E Grey St, 7.45am-10am. Register at
• Tairāwhiti Coffin Club: BCR Joinery, 522 Gladstone Rd, 9am-10am. Details at
• Gisborne Farmers’ Market: Cnr Stout and Fitzherbert streets, 9.30am-12.30pm.
• Tennis for all: Ormond Tennis Club, Hill Rd, Ormond, 2pm-4pm, ph (06)8625741 or (06)8625856.
• Gisborne Walkers Club: 8am. Meet at Mitre 10, 24 Derby St. Text 0278902224 for more info.
• Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club Nippers session. Every Sunday from 9.45am. A programme for building ocean confidence and learning skills and safety. For more information, email club manager at
• Silent Flute Taijiquan: Movement lab for life. A free one-hour Tai Chi Chuan (Mandarin) Taijiquan (Cantonese) class open to everyone. 1pm-2pm, Gisborne Botanical Gardens, 391 Aberdeen Rd. Text 0210490722 to confirm location.
• Dharma Practice and Meditation. Resident lama Lama Damchoe leads dharma practice and meditation, followed by a shared lunch. 10am, Palpung Kagyu Samten Choling Tibetan Buddhist Centre. 31 James St. All welcome.
Saturdays and Sundays:
• Sunrise yoga at 6.45am Tatapouri Bay Oceanside Accommodation. Tatapouri Bay, 516 Whangara Rd.
• East Coast Museum of Technology: 67 Main Rd, Makaraka, 10am-4pm, $10 adults, $5 seniors, $2 school children, under-5s free. See Facebook or
• Lions Express Train rides: Starts near Gisborne Wainui Lions Junior Cycle Park, Centennial Marine Drive, 11am-3pm, weather permitting, $2.
Each week:
• Mahjong Club (Mon and Thurs): Gisborne Town & Country Women’s Club, 42 Emily St, 12.30pm. Inquiries to Margaret (06)8630144.
• Tairāwhiti Menzshed (Tues, Thurs and Sat): Cnr Parkinson and Innes streets, Sat 9am-3pm, Tues and Thurs 9am-2pm. Details ph/text 0224650396.
• Tairāwhiti Aviation Museum (Tues and Sun): Gisborne Airport, Aerodrome Rd, 9am-3pm, $5 adults, Under-12s free.
• Lego Club for ages 5-17. HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 3.30pm-5pm, free. See for full details.
• Te Aka Rangatahi | Teen Meet Club. Meet up with other rangatahi and see what the afternoon brings. Kahoots quiz, Anime and other activities. Light refreshments supplied. H.B. Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright Street, 3.30pm-5pm, free.
• Gisborne Country Music Club (1st and 3rd Sundays): Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, 1pm-4pm, $5 visitors, $3 members, $1 children, ph Flo (06)8677637, 0274946979 or email
• Gisborne Woodworking Club (2nd and 4th Saturdays and last Thursday): Green shed opposite the Enterprise Aquatic Centre carpark, Nelson Rd, 10am to about 12pm. Inquiries ph Bill 0274507719 or email
• Gizzy Monthly Market (1st Saturday): Locally produced crafts, food and products. Lawson Field Rose Garden, 7 Fitzherbert St, 9am-1pm weather permitting.
• Gas Guzzlers’ Breakfast (1st Sunday): Behind the courthouse on Reads Quay, 8.30am-11am.
• Crop Swap (1st Sunday): Swap plants, produce, preserves, baking, books and more. Makaraka School carpark, 137 Main Rd, Makaraka, 2pm-3pm.
• Irish Music Session (1st Sunday): The Rivers, corner Gladstone Rd and Reads Quay, 4pm-6pm, ph Marty 0210557685.
• Gisborne Floral Art Club (1st Monday): Waverley St hall, Elgin, 9.30am-11.30am. (3rd Wednesday) Kahutia Bowling Club, 7pm.
• Poverty Bay Blues Night (1st Tuesday): Dome Cinema, PBC, 38 Childers Rd, 6pm doors, 7pm gig, $10 door sales, Poverty Bay Blues Club members free, R18.
• Ulysses Motorcycle Club (1st Tuesday): Bushmere Arms public bar, 673 Matawai Rd, Waerenga-a-Hika, 7.30pm, ph Chris 0274602430.
• Gisborne Friendship Group – formerly the Gisborne Combined Club (1st Wednesday): For active retirees looking for friendship. Kahutia Bowling Club, 165 Cobden St, 9.30am, $5 including morning tea. Register with Noelene, ph (06)8684473 or Dianne ph (06)8674294.
• U3A Gisborne (1st Thursday): Social interaction and learning for mature-aged folk. House of Breakthrough, Cnr Lytton Rd and Ormond Rd, 9.30am, $2 at door, ph Diane 0274441073.
• Myalgic Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group (1st Friday): CCS, 7 Kahutia St, 10.30am-1pm, ph Moira 0274576923.
• Prostate Support Group (2nd Tuesday): Cancer Society Rooms, 718 Gladstone Rd, 4.30pm, inquiries ph 0210634515.
• The Country Garden Club (2nd Tuesday): Waerenga-a-Hika Hall, 728 Matawai Rd, 7.30pm, $2, ph Katrine (06)8672427.
• Gisborne Proactive Club (3rd Wednesday): Retired people’s interest group. Watson Room, Gisborne Cosmopolitan Club, 190 Derby St, 9.30am, $30/year sub and $5/meeting, ph Malcolm (06)8672591, or 0272402590.
• Gisborne Camera Club (3rd Thursday): Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, 7.30pm. Details at
• Gisborne Sceptic Group (3rd Sunday): 11am. For details/venue ph (06)8673715 or (06)8677122.
• Te Hapara Garden and Floral Art Club (4th Tuesday): Redstone Room, Farmers Air Event Centre, Showgrounds Park, Makaraka, 2pm.
• First City Toastmasters: Become a confident speaker and leader (1st and 3rd Tuesday). Adult Literacy Rooms, 1st Floor, 100 Grey St, Gisborne, 6.15pm. Ph Helen 0221945671.
To include your event, email details to at least a week before the event.