“Puni Reo is one of the first language platforms to support an indigenous language in the world of sports, and the first to include an indigenous sport like ki-o-rahi.”
He also sees the app as a way of increasing the use of te reo Maori in everyday whanau activities.
“This app can help whanau use te reo Maori while participating in traditional and contemporary sports with the support of the latest technology.
“It activates the use of Maori language in the sports domain where so many of our people participate.”
Maori health provider Turanga Health has been instrumental in the revival of these games locally through its takaro tawhito (traditional games) programme.
Turanga Health has been teaching kemu, or games such as ki-o-rahi, for more than 10 years.
Among the team delivering the programme to primary schools is Shane Luke, who says the app is another great way of promoting the sport and te reo Maori.
“After downloading and going through the app, I think it is awesome,” he says. “It is an easy tool for anyone wanting to learn ki-o-rahi, or for anyone who is teaching or coaching ki-o-rahi.
“It’s also great for those learning te reo Maori, and can help to incorporate te reo in daily mahi (work), or activities.
“It is very easy to use and there are some neat little learning quizzes to help practice.”