Mark Sherburn from Eastern Fish and Game shows his filleting skills at the anglers club day last year.
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An old Irish saying goes, ““Listen to the sound of the river and you will get a trout”.
There is something serene about fishing, where time stands still, and the only sound is the swishing of the fishing line being cast and the waters running by, that conjures up romantic
If you have ever wanted to try your hand at fly fishing, tomorrow is your chance. The Gisborne Anglers Club is offering free fly casting tuition for beginners. The event starts at 10am and is open to the public and current members. All ages are welcome.
Club president Paul Badger said the day will not only include fly fishing techniques but how to fillet and smoke a trout. Tasting will also be on offer. There will be seminars in the afternoon focusing on the much sought-after trout. Their diet, where they live and why are just some of the questions that will be addressed. Knots and rigs will also be discussed.
Mark Sherburn from Eastern Fish and Game will be on hand providing his expertise. Eastern Fish and Game is one of 12 regional fish and game councils across New Zealand. They are responsible for freshwater fish habitats and populations across the Eastern region. Mr Sherburn will travel from Rotorua for the day’s events.