Whoop, whoop Murray Ferris, absolutely brilliant letter (Over left-leaning vitriol, October 24). I couldn’t have said it any better.
I have been wanting to write in for a while about the same thing. I have had a few run-ins with Mary-Ann de Kort on Facebook and like you I’m so over it myself. We are all allowed our own opinions on matters without getting slated. I’m glad her precious Labour Party got a hiding at the elections — yes, I am still concerned with National and what they will do.
I don’t care what anyone says, the so-called Labour party destroyed our lovely nation with their extreme response to Covid. People’s lives and friendships changed and not for the better — just the opposite. We weren’t allowed freedom of choice. I could say more but will refrain from doing so.
I have never seen the crime rate so bad under any Government, only this Labour one.
I totally endorse everything that Murray Ferris stated. Thank you.
I for one will never forget what that Labour Government did to the people of New Zealand.
Today I still stand proud of my freedom of choice that I made. The truth is all coming out now.
All I have to say is, God Defend New Zealand.
K.A. Richardson