I would like to clarify what active transport actually is and who it serves.
While some tend to frequently criticise and downplay the cycle-walkway initiatives, it should be understood that these are very much community assets offering safer and more convenient transport networks to all. The tone of the critique is usually focused on cyclists, but the fact is they are a single user group.
Done properly, these alternatives are an option for independent travel and movement for our elderly on their mobility scooters, and they are an option for those unfortunately restricted to wheelchairs. They also could be enjoyed and used by our young on their scooters and skateboards. They will be a safe and enjoyable option for prams and pushchairs. Walkers and runners see them as a desired and safer way to enjoy exercise.
In fact, a crucial factor is upping community activity, enabling a healthier community — and cyclists will love them.
So every one of us can and indeed should be enthusiastic about safer, targeted transport options because there will be a use for all of us at some time . . . except for those who are determined to believe transport can only ever be about a car.