I write in support of the excellent letter to the Herald by Pat Seymour on August 9 (More degradation of beachfront and dunes).
A photo in The Herald on August 8 shows the serious beachfront erosion at Turihaua which extends north to the Marine Reserve and south to Tatapouri and Makorori .
The foreshore dunes are gone at Turihaua and the seafront is being mowed on a regular basis to accommodate holiday campers.
At Makorori a plan to save the beach and dunes from damage by vehicles and the sea has been ongoing for at least five years.
There are approximately 12 points of entry/exit from SH35 on to Makorori dunes and the beach. Many of these are steep, potholed and dangerous, and Waka Kotahi has SH35 signposted as a “High Crash Area”. Vehicles are using these entry points to drive over the dunes, bogging and wrecking them in the process. The drivers of these vehicles are in breach of local body bylaws and the Conservation Act. Enforcement is notable by its absence.