Many will be aware that there is an evolving erosion problem alongside SH35, most recently between Makorori and Pouawa. This matter has been raised in recent years but only immediate threats to the highway seem to command action. The more immediate problems are around Turihaua point, along the Turihaua beach, and at the river mouth.
When concerns are raised there is typically a slow response and much of our very special coastal foreshore has been lost. Treasured camping and recreational areas have gone.
Only a few years ago I drove around the Turihaua Point on the outside of the crash barrier. You could not walk there now. The rail itself is now seriously threatened for at least the third time by erosion from the sea.
Several pohutukawa trees have been consumed by the sea and many others are in imminent danger. Many could be saved.
A very effective protective rock barrier was placed around the south-eastern corner of the Turihaua Bay a few years ago. This has been appreciated by seals. Rock protection has also been carried out near the mouth of the Pouawa river, and very recently under the Turihaua bridge.