Gisborne Volunteer Centre is calling out to organisations or individuals to nominate young people who volunteer in our community so they can be acknowledged and celebrated at a local Youth Award event later this month.
“The local Youth Awards are about recognising and promoting the contribution young people make to our community,” said Volunteer Services adviser Ros Faulkner.
“It’s also about encouraging youth to volunteer, to build awareness in the community of what young people are actually out there doing for the good of others and to highlight the benefit of volunteering.
“Youth volunteers come from all walks of life and can be volunteering in any number of ways — for sports groups, marae or community groups, providing entertainment, mentoring, tutoring, coaching, animal care, environmental care, community events and activities.The awards are to publicly acknowledge youth engagement.”
Nominations close on Wednesday and can be completed online at the Gisborne Volunteer Centre’s website or by phoning the Centre at 868 4542.