“Access to this level of rich data for Tairawhiti is a monumental achievement as it covers the entire district. This is the first time the area has been surveyed in this level of detail,” says principal scientist for Gisborne District Council Dr Murry Cave.
“It has unlocked opportunities to help address wide-scale erosion control problems in the district. Other projects will include LiDAR differencing in Gisborne City's water supply catchment, rural landslide risk assessments, legacy landfill risk assessments and revised tsunami inundation zones.”
The council plans to use LiDAR for active fault mapping across the region, flood hazard mapping for rural towns, forestry management and compliance monitoring.
The full dataset has already been provided to agencies undertaking regional research and projects including GNS, Scion, Auckland University and Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research.
A workshop will be held later in the year to allow council staff and other users to showcase how the data is being used.