A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Once more the proposed cycleway is bringing much correspondence to your office.
An issue that does require thought before any decision is made is the fact Aberdeen Road has several establishments catering to many residents who are retired, infirm or requiring special care, ie the Salvation Army units, Bupa, Riverdeen
Park, Te Wiremu and Arohaina.
Aberdeen Road is a busy street and quite a narrow one.
Only two of the five aforementioned establishments have provision for off-street parking for residents and visitors. Will folk attending the other complexes be required to negate a busy roadway should parking be permitted on one side of the road only?
Recently the post office box in front of Bupa was removed, so the elderly and infirm must now trek down to the Aberdeen Road shops to post mail. However, the post box in Rutene Road was left insitu as it was deemed the residents of Dunblane would be disadvantaged should this facility be lost.