It seems that too much foul water has “flowed under the bridge” for there to be a single-state solution to restoring peace between Israelis and Palistinians.
It seems that a two-state solution would possibly work, but definitely not if the two states were in any way side by side.
Before commentators accuse me of being negative or in fact preferring one side over another, they should call on their own knowledge of human nature.
If the United Nations manages to effect a ceasefire and even a one-state or two-state solution to this “war”, how long would it be until the temporary relief of a “peace” is overcome by the sense of hatred and lack of justice that both sides will feel towards the other in short order as the aura of peace and brotherhood soon wears off?
That sense of hatred and animosity will not necessarily be proportionate to numbers killed, mutilated or otherwise offended against. It will be generated by the horrors which occurred to each ethnicity — which will not be conducive to them living in peace among, or beside, each other — certainly not for very long.