It is obvious that, had a Labour-led coalition won the October 2023 election, our democracy would have been set back decades — perhaps even transformed into a dictatorship that ignored the will of the people — something we only expect to see in failed states with which we have nothing in common. It came that close.
However, what really worries me is that the coalition of MSM, radical Maori activists and sections of academia who had been the main supporters of the previous “progressive” Government are still in denial of not only the election result but more importantly, the reason why Labour suffered a massive defeat at the polls.
It is all very well for the editor to dismiss the incoming coalition Government as a insensitive bunch who have consigned the progress made on so many fronts over the past six years to the waste bin.
Unfortunately for him and others who refuse to acknowledge the rejection of elitism in such an emphatic way, the common people are not stupid and resent the implication that their judgement is a mistake they will come to regret.
My gut feeling is that the result at the polls is a clear indication that those who treat the people they serve with such contempt will, when found out, be consigned to oblivion.
I am also convinced that former PM Ardern knew the writing was on the wall when her Government’s secretive crafting of race-based legislation was finally seen for what it was.
Leopards don’t change their spots. Why should we have expected her to react differently when exposed as an “empress with no clothes”, or claiming to be someone she is not?
So, her final act was to flee the doomed ship of state before she was unceremoniously dumped from office — a rather ignominious exit that says it all about her real character.
She left her Government to fend for itself rather than face the consequences of her own misguided actions. That is rather cowardly don’t you think?
We deserved better.