When considering the Gaza war, aside from the grief and inhumanity of it all, it is interesting to hear the commentary on Al Jazeera from the political experts and previous UN attachés, as they pontificate on blame and offer solutions as to how the war should be ended right now.
Even we, the not so politically adroit, can see that it is not simply a case of the UN passing a resolution demanding the war should cease immediately, and the protagonists should agree to a two-state solution.
Israel would probably not ever agree to that, nor would the Palestinians, and Hamas. There is too much hatred and desire for revenge for a ceasefire to allow anything other than opposing arsenals to be recharged. As the US has said, the seeds for the next war have already been sown.
It seems to me that Israel is trying to bomb Gaza out of existence and force the Palestinians out into the Sinai Desert. Egypt, while appearing to be an ‘honest broker”, is actually the author of the edicts preventing Palestinians from escaping into the Sinai.
However, a new Palestine being set up in the Sinai may be the only peaceful solution that the circumstances offer. If all affluent countries contributed the money and manpower — until it “hurt” — an amazing new independent state of Palestine could rise up out of the desert.