Consciousness cleared its throat and smacked the gavel down. “I call this meeting to order. I have noticed rumblings within the body corporate and I wish to remind everyone that I am in command here. Do I make myself clear?”
“Pompous ass,” whispered right lung, the spokesperson for the gaseous exchange team, “without us he is nothing”.
“Huh, you big head, without my team, you wouldn’t last long,” stomach burst out angrily. Despite challenges from oesophagus, it deemed itself the self-appointed head of the digestive/processing section. Small intestine nodded in assent.
Heart, who was never still and was a director of the circulation group, snorted — “Try and survive without us sending blood around the circuit, then.”
Kidney and his twin, always sat with bladder and bowels, as part of the elimination strategies cohort. He was quite flushed and after a few speechless moments, opined, “expect trouble if we go off line folks”.