These big events contribute to a general feeling of goodwill that has prevailed, at least in public, throughout the two holiday breaks.
It does seem that there are more people, especially families, about this year. The council would have been pleased to see the no vacancy sign at the Waikanae Beach camp on New Year’s Day.
Gisborne and the beaches of the East Coast continue to have almost unlimited potential for tourism at this time of year, and something for Activate Tairawhiti to build on.
It was also a relief that there were no serious road accidents here. Gisborne suffered its share of the 2018 road toll, the worst for a decade.
Today and tomorrow are working days, although many people have taken them off and the holiday mood — in which people wake up wondering what day it is — will continue on to next Monday.
So bring on 2019 then. After the last two weeks, we can face it refreshed and ready. Pause perhaps to take a look at the world scene, and realise how lucky we really are.