I have never made a secret of where my political allegiances lie or that l think we need a different government ASAP.
But come October, l will put all my energies into trying to persuade anybody who wants to listen that we all have an opportunity to choose a coalition of parties that will truly represent all the citizens of this country — even those who don’t vote for them. And if elected based on the ability to form a coalition government, this refreshingly different construct will have the capacity to govern in the best interests of us all.
It will come as no surprise that this sort of arrangement would appeal to most New Zealanders who are desperate for change.
Recent polls suggest that Kiwis are struggling under the combined weight of government policies which, no matter how much the Government tries to disown the seeds of its own destruction, have become an increasing burden we can no longer tolerate.
It is truly time for change — the voters are indicating they want it, although the Government is hell-bent on trying to gerrymander a rescue package that will more than likely fail because it is seen to be disingenuous in nature.