The late Bob Forbes (right) with an unknown friend and 14-foot yacht Ariel, which Forbes sailed to victory in Gisborne Yacht Club's Lexia Cup in 1947, 1948 and 1949.
The late Bob Forbes (right) with an unknown friend and 14-foot yacht Ariel, which Forbes sailed to victory in Gisborne Yacht Club's Lexia Cup in 1947, 1948 and 1949.
“It’s staying here. It’s yours. It’s not going back.”
Englishwoman Dr Jenny Forbes said this on Tuesday after handing back the Lexia Cup, 78-year-old trophy, to appreciative Gisborne Yacht Club members.
The trophy, which dates back to the foundation of Gisborne Yacht Club, was won by her late father Dr Robert (Bob) Forbes (1929-2023) in 1947, 1948 and 1949.
Gisborne Yacht Club decided to award the trophy to him in perpetuity to honour the three consecutive victories.
Forbes raced his 14-foot yacht Ariel and won many local and national races.
He bought a 22-foot double keel Westerly - a British trailable sailboat which is popular on the east coast of Britain.
Her brother, David, did some sailing, but their father was the family’s most avid yachtsman.
He often spoke of New Zealand but with work commitments never returned, his daughter said.
“We found the Lexia Cup while sorting out the family home, [along] with many photos of New Zealand. He had always wished for the cup to be returned to the Gisborne Yacht Club. David and I knew it was to come back.”
After sorting out the logistics, Jenny Forbes made her first trip to New Zealand, with the trophy, knowing “he would be happy that it’s come back”.
Dr Jenny Forbes returns the trophy to Gisborne Yacht Club members (from left) Peter Millar (life member and former club Commodore), Rod McCulloch (life member and former club Commodore), who is holding the replacement Lexia Cup, and Bill Thorpe (former club Commodore). Picture / Wynsley Wrigley
She was in “a fabulous mood” as she handed the trophy back at Gisborne Yacht Club.
“I’m really pleased I bought it back. I knew that’s what Dad wanted.
“It’s amazing meeting someone who knew Dad as well,” she said, referring to local yachting mainstay Rod McCulloch, who was 11 at the time and “looked up to” Forbes.
McCulloch said Forbes was an excellent sailor.
A replacement Lexia Cup is still competed for at Gisborne Yacht Club today but operates under Sanders Cup class rules.