A slip is being cleared on Tiniroto Road at Hangaroa Bluffs in July 2022 after one of many severe weather events. This section of road was taken out by the river in Cyclone Gabrielle and rebuilt by a forestry company, but is closed now after a tension crack was identified in the bluffs by geotechnical engineers after heavy rain in June last year. File picture
Coalition Government ministers have approved $3 million for optioneering and geotechnical work to begin the Tiniroto Road rebuild.
During Cyclone Gabrielle, Tiniroto Road was washed out along the Bluffs section and approximately 1400 metres of road was undermined while river protection works were partly or fully destroyed.
The two-lane road
was scoured away and reduced to less than one lane in parts. Retaining wall structures and rock protection works were compromised or destroyed.
Major bluff slips washed away the road at two locations, with a combined total of 45,000m3 of material washing out the road below and being deposited into the river and on the remaining road.
Existing infrastructure such as retaining walls, culverts and bridges were severely damaged or washed away. The Hangaroa bridge off Tiniroto Road was also washed out.