This includes $2.3m continuing the township upgrades programme (with $492,000 of external funding); $1.78m on roading and footpath improvements in rural townships; and $49,000 for remaining work on the development of Waihirere Domain.
Here’s an eyebrow-raiser: Kiwa Pools — outdoor pool, $6.5m, “enhanced offering . . . improved recreation experience and improved water safety”. And one many will be pleased to see: revitalisation of the CBD, $2.5m, joint project with Trust Tairāwhiti, community engagement to come but “it is likely to include streetscaping, a fresh look and feel, and planting”. There is also $500,000 pencilled in for a city centre multi-modal gap analysis.
Taruheru River walkway and cycling extension to Campion, $3.27m.
Enabling further greenfield development of the Taruheru block: $6.1m on three waters infrastructure, including extension of water supply reticulation and an upgrade of the Campion Road pump station and rising main; $722,000 for road links.
And some more for three waters: $100,000 for initial work on a Kaiti wastewater pump station and rising main, to enable further residential growth in the area; $200,000 on initial work for a Grey Street wastewater pump station; and $263,000 on initial work to replace the Ormond Road pump station, plus a new pump station and dedicated supply mains to the Knob Hill water reservoir (the latter two projects are both to “maintain existing service, accommodate growth, and allow increased capacity”).
Key issue four is “Affordability”, with no additional itemised expenditure.