There are many, many reasons to grow wildflowers — besides from the fact they look gorgeous, wildflowers provide food and habitats for a diverse range of beneficial insects. Speaking for the vege gardeners among us, you can’t have too many pollinators visiting your garden!
Most of our favourite veges rely on insects to pollinate them. Native bees, honeybees, flies, hoverflies, butterflies and moths all adore flowers and if you can attract them into your garden you are creating a mutually beneficial gardening relationship. In fact, the more diversity you can create in your garden, the healthier your plants will be (because the pollinators always bring their little friends along; hungry predators of the pest insects that plague your plants).
Going back to the fact they look gorgeous, looking out at a meadow of vibrant colour lifts the spirits. Coming home to decompress in your own wild garden haven, humming with bees, is a wonderful stress reducer.
How to grow Wildflowers