■ Neil Diamond Tribute Show
Gisborne Cosmopolitan Club, tomorrow June 30, 8pm to 11pm. Tickets $25 available from the office. Hear those classics Sweet Caroline, Cherry Cherry, Red Red Wine and many more hits.
■ Friday Night Karaoke
Breakers Jandal Bar, from 8pm to midnight, free entry.
■ The Poetry Project
Evolution Theatre. Enjoy an evening of comedy, poetry and sweet acoustic music tomorrow — 7pm start, sliding koha $5 to $15. Anyone keen to perform, contact the organisers on facebook at The Poetry Project, or email thepoetryproject12@gmail.com
■ Indian Traditional, Classical and Folk Music - free community event
Lawson Field Theatre, Saturday July 1, 4pm to 7pm. Enjoy the enchanting sounds of Indian traditional, classical and folk music. The event will feature tabla maestro Manjit Singh and sitar player Shalu Garg on stage in the Rose Room. Free show, dinner and refreshments.
■ The Ashes + Jam Solo
Smash Palace, Saturday July 1, 9pm, $10 at the door. All the bangers to get the dance floor moving.
■ Shakey Ground - Saturday Night Live
Jandal Bar at Breakers, Saturday July 1, 8pm to 11pm. Free entry.
■ Poverty Bay Blues Club
Poverty Bay Club, Dome Room, Tuesday July 4, doors open at 7pm, $5 door charge, club members free. Club night, first Tuesday of the month.
■ Kia Kaha Tairāwhiti #Hear4U
War Memorial Theatre, Sunday July 2 at 2pm. Hosted by MC Hamish McKay who will introduce Dr Lucy Hone and Dr Denise Quinlan as they share their incredible knowledge on strength and resilience. Catering will be provided. Free tickets are available now on Humanitix. https://tinyurl.com/4ewr9s7t
■ Gisborne Pub Choir
Smash Palace, every Tuesday 7pm to 9pm. Group sings popular songs. Singing tuition provided, no prior experience needed. Learn a new song each week and sing about a dozen pop classics.
■ The Haka Party Incident
War Memorial Theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday July 4 and 5, 7.30pm. The incident sent ripples through the nation and changed race relations in New Zealand forever. Adult $35, concession $31.50, student $31.50 (tertiary), child $15 (13-18) Tickets https://tinyurl.com/38hhwva6
■ Winnie the Pooh Plus A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Evolution Theatre Rising Stars, 75 Disraeli St, Tonight June 29, 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Winnie the Pooh (ages 6-12), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (ages 12 - 17). Adults $10, children (17 and under) $5.
■ Gisborne Artists, Potters and Photographers annual exhibition
Join the Gisborne Artists’ Society, Pottery Group and Camera Club for their annual showcase at the museum. All artworks are for sale, Exhibition runs until August 20.
■ Ka tū te Rūnanga Exhibition/Whakaaturanga - John Moetara
A mixed media offering influenced by the people, the place and the kōrero of home. John Moetara specialises in painting and is active in both Whakairo and kapa haka. On display until July 30.
■ Matahiawa Exhibition
Toihoukura — School of Māori Visual Art and Design hosts the Matahīawa Exhibition, which runs until July 12. Toihoukura invites you to remember the lessons of the past and embrace the promise of the future.
■ Matariki Exhibition
He Rau Aroha Gallery, 26 Peel Street, featuring mahi toi by various ringatoi. Exhibition opening starts at 5.30pm on Friday July 7. The exhibition runs until August 18.
Let The Guide know what’s on, guide@gisborneherald.co.nz or ph 869 0600