An information session will take place on Wednesday January 31 (Gisborne Unity Theatre) from 7 to 8pm where people will get to meet the creative team and hear about the show, auditions and expectations.
As well as the lead characters, Centre Stage is also looking to cast an ensemble which will need to be a mix of very strong dancers, strong rock/theatre singer/movers and some character ensemble parts among the Bohemian rebels.
Much of the story is told through the atmosphere and locations set by the ensemble’s movement, so the ability to be a risk-taking, creative, receptive and flexible group member is critical.
Songs included in the audition are I Want
to Break Free, Under Pressure and Somebody to Love.
Go to the Centre Stage website to find out more information about the auditions and the roles available.
Auditions will be over a few days and nights.
■ A pre-audition session for both choreography and singing for everyone, time TBA — February 10.
■ Full group choreography only for those interested in ensemble/dancing/young persons roles (but all welcome) — February 16.
■ Group singing for ensemble/young persons — February 16.
■ Individual auditions for named characters, and callbacks if required — February 17 and 18.