“In 2016, we shared a very long version of the film with the Te Ha Trust at a big screening in Gisborne,” says Rolls.
“There were city councillors, the Mayor, ordinary Pakeha New Zealanders, Maori from around the region, everybody. Many of them had never even considered that there might be a different way to look at the arrival of Captain Cook in 1769. As Dame Anne Salmond says: it's the view from the shore, rather than the view from the ship.”
During a premiere of a special cut of the documentary in Gisborne in 2016, the audience saw a drawing by Tupaia high on a cave wall at Opoutama-Cook's Cove.
Since that screening, director Lala Rolls, crew and actors have toured the country and gathered more stories about Tupaia and included them in the film. The film has evolved since its first public screening in Gisborne four years ago.
“All the delays and the sharing of versions with local communities along the way has drawn a wealth of knowledge and information to us,” Rolls told The Big Idea. “This has fed into and brought a special kind of magic to the final cut.”
Whanau Marama — New Zealand International Film Festival (NZIFF) runs from July 24– August 3.