True to its name, chain of hearts is a trailing vine plant with heart-shaped, variegated leaves. It is an easy-care, super-tough, hardy, hanging plant that can be used to fill a space situated up high in a corner or on a shelf.
Oh, be still my beating heart! Chain of hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is a gorgeous trailing plant that’s perfect for hanging pots or baskets. The ‘chains’ can reach 3-4m long and the heart-shaped leaves, which can include shades of green, purple, red and cream, are just so sweet! For a beautiful display, consider hanging it in a corner along with other trailing plants, like string of pearls or donkey’s tail.
How to grow chain of hearts in a pot
Choose a pot at least 10cm wide and position in a well-lit spot indoors or a warm, sheltered spot outdoors.