Waimea Nurseries has some great plum combinations in their ‘Plum Double' range, including Billington & Burbank, Santa Rose & Omega and Coe's Golden Drop & English Greengage.
Double-grafted trees have been specially chosen to be suitable pollination partners.
For the best flavour and maximum sweetness, allow plums to ripen on the tree. They're ready to pick when they're just starting to soften.
Feed plum trees from spring to autumn with Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food, which promotes healthy leaf growth and lots of delicious plums. The combination of concentrated manure, fishmeal, blood and bone and seaweed in Yates Dynamic Lifter also helps improve soil quality and encourage hardworking earthworms and beneficial soil micro-organisms.
Brassicas is the name given to a family of plants that includes popular vegetables like cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Winter is ideal for growing these delicious and super-healthy vegetables, whether it's out in the garden or in pots on a sunny balcony, veranda or patio.
They are unfortunately also very popular with caterpillars, including the voracious cabbage white butterfly and cabbage moth caterpillars as well as lopper caterpillars. They can rapidly skeletonise leaves and chew into and ruin heads of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.
You may not see the caterpillars themselves, just the damage they cause or their droppings. To ensure you are able to eat more of your brassicas than the caterpillars, you can protect your precious plants with Yates Nature's Way Organic Citrus, Vegie & Ornamental Spray. It contains a dual action combination of natural pyrethrin from the pyrethrum daisy and vegetable oil and is certified for use in organic gardens by BioGro NZ. It's also boosted with seaweed to help plants recover from insect pest damage.
Spray foliage every week as soon as caterpillars or their damage appears. Spray lightly, just to the point of run off, including the undersides of foliage where caterpillars often hide.
— Courtesy of Yates