As you know, Nan does not like waste — this handy recipe uses whatever leftovers are sitting in the fridge. ‘Don’t be afraid to experiment a little. Add cooked pumpkin, corn or feta or whatever takes your fancy,’ says Nan. She made these for lunches for her boys the other
Nan's handy recipe uses whatever leftovers you have sitting in the fridge
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Picture by Nan
Chopped kale or spinach
Chopped tomato
Chopped onions
Grated cheese
A dollop of Nan’s rhubarb relish or any sweet chutney (see
1. Spray patty tins (Nan usually uses the non-stick rubber type)
2. Line patty tins with 1 layer of bacon cut in half and a crisscross it in tin.
3. Next chop up kale or spinach and add to bacon.
4. Put in any other vegetable you like — tomato, onions etc.
5. In separate bowl whisk the eggs with a fork.
6. Fill the patty tins to the top.
7. Add about a teaspoon of grated cheese and maybe a little more chopped-up bacon.
8. Add a dollop of Nans rhubarb relish or sweet chutney on top
9. Bake on average heat about 30 minutes or until golden.
10. Remove from patty tins and cool on racks — ready to pack for lunches.
Makes about 12.