Fill the pot with Yates Premium Potting Mix.
Remove the plant from its container, trying not to disturb the roots excessively. Prune off the older leaves.
Position the plant in the middle of the new pot. Fill in around the plant with potting mix and water well.
Water on a regular basis in the summer but cut back in the winter when conditions change.
Feed the plantevery two weeks in spring and summer with Yates Thrive Houseplant Liquid Plant Food.
How to grow monstera in a garden
Choose a well-drained, shaded spot in the garden and prepare the planting area well by digging in some Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food
Dig a hole in the prepared area, place the plant in the bottom of the planting hole, gently backfill around the plant’s root ball with soil then water well.
Reapply Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food around the root zone during the growing season from spring until mid-autumn to promote good soil health and healthy green foliage.
Mulch with an organic mulch, such as bark chips, sugarcane or pea straw and water in well. Do not over water them as they don’t like wet feet.
Growing tips
The plant has edible fruit, hence the alternative common name Fruit Salad Plant. It can sometimes grow quite vigorously, so care needs to be taken if grown outdoors.
Prune and take cuttings in the spring and summer for propagation.
It will likely need repotting after a couple of years to keep the foliage dense and green.