“That’s why we are holding this event, because in Makorori we are not just a street, but a community and we have to look after each other,” Mrs Hansen said.
At Verve, the artist has four of her artworks on display.
“Three of them are themed on flowers and to me doing a flower painting is the closest thing to relaxing.
“The other piece is called Take the Coast Road to Kaiaua and it took me over 300 hours to finish this one. Usually, I don’t track the time taken for any artwork, but this was an exception.”
She took inspiration from lilies that grew on the side of the road on the Tolaga Bay Highway.
Mrs Hansen couldn’t forget the sight of the lilies and was eventually influenced to express herself in her latest painting.
Bob’s Reef is one of the paintings at the café that the artist holds dear to her heart as the reef always reminds her of the bond she shared with her late husband.
Hailing from Wellington, she says it was love that brought her to Gisborne and she has been living as a local for 44 years.
“As far as I can remember, I have painted all my life,” Mrs Hansen said.
“At the moment, I’m painting a family history series which is exciting.”
Other senior artists featured in the exhibition include Clive Keely and Buck Rogers.
Due to the recent weather events, Verve owner Ray Teutenberg, has decided that whatever commission is received through the sale of the paintings will be
donated to those affected in the Makorori community.
“As a café, we’re not just about the food, but also a location where we can brighten up our customers’ day and in this case give something back to the community,” he said.