■ Don McGlashan: Take It To The Bridge Tour, accompanied by Anita Clark (Motte)
Friday September 15, at the Dome Cinema, PBC, 38 Childers Road, doors open 7.30pm. Tickets $47.50 from undertheradar.co.nz or cash only at The Aviary.
■ T-Bonez
Back at Smash Palace on Saturday night from 9pm. Join the smoothest dude around for a night of dancing and good times, $10 at the door.
■ Tribal Bellydance Gisborne
Sunday September 17, at Wild Earth Studio, one hour lessons. Join the vibrant and fun Tribal Bellydance classes every Sunday 10.30am to 11.30am. The first class is free. Come along, bring a friend and try it out. Classes $10 per session. Fusion Style Bellydance classes are held on Thursdays at 5.45pm to 6.45pm. Ph Kelly on 022 079 2213 or email wildearthstudionz@gmail.com
■ Rhythm n’ Lines
Rhythm n’ Lines, Smash Palace, 3pm Sunday. Celebrate spring, dancing inside and outdoors. Frocks, boots and country music line dancing.
■ The Gisborne Herald Fun Run and Quarter Marathon
Sunday September 17. Entrants can run, jog or walk a 5.6km fun run or 10km quarter marathon. Marina Park start and finish, $20A, $5 secondary student, $3 primary/intermediate, $150 group (minimum of 10 participants). Entry forms from sportgisborne.org.nz or pick up at Sport Gisborne on Grey Street, more info from Sport Gisborne 06 868 99433.
■ Motel California Eagles Experience
Dome Cinema, Childers Road and Customhouse Street. Saturday, September 23, 8pm – 11.30pm. General admission: tickets are $35.30 each.
■ The Elton John Experience
Dome Cinema, Childers Road and Customhouse Street. Friday, October 20, 8.00pm–11pm. General Admission: tickets are $39.18 each.
■ Organic Wine Week celebrations
Wright’s Vineyard and Winery are hosting a Community Organic Day at their vineyard on Sunday September 24. The fun includes community flax planting, setting up Gisborne’s first community organic biodynamic cow pat pit, creating biodynamic preparation 500 and nibbles and wine. Starts at 1.45pm, 1093 Wharerata Road, Gisborne. RSVP info@wrightswines.co.nz or phone 0276568222.
■ Jersey Boys
Gisborne Friday September 8 to Saturday September 16. War Memorial Theatre, 7pm start. Let Gisborne Centre Stage take you back to an easier time. Tickets available at https://eelhunting.wixsite.com/my-site-3, available at the i-Site, door sales available Cost: $39.00 Gold card holders and students, $44.50 Adults.
■ School of Rock
Musical Theatre Gisborne production, at War Memorial Theatre, November 10-18.
Visual Arts
■ Dreamers - Louise Walsh and Jolene Douglas
Walsh’s work stems from her first piece, The Beginning, its simple lines and colours creating an overall pattern and base for other works. The exhibition finishes on October 1.
■ Wearable Art by Susan Holmes
The exhibition of Wearable Art by Susan Holmes is currently on at Tairāwhiti Museum. The exhibition finishes on November 5.
■ He Kākahu Rerehua — The Uplifting Wind
Weaving together an exhibition, a collection care project and wānanga in one space, He Kākahu Rerehua — The Uplifting Wind opens on October 1. Each strand of this kaupapa will honour the different dimensions of a kākahu: the materials; the process of its creation; the life it has led; and the people it is connected to.
■ What They Didn’t Teach Us At School
Clayton Gibson exhibition at Tairāwhiti Museum until September 17.
Let The Guide know what’s on, guide@gisborneherald.co.nz or ph 869 0600