Rehearsing with the Gisborne Choral Society this week were Coralie Hunter, on the harpsichord, and Riki Reedy on the cello. They will be accompanying the choir’s performance of excerpts from Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas. Picture supplied
In contrast to their recent performance of Messiah, the Choral Society is cooking up A Taste of Opera, to be served this Sunday in St Andrew’s Church.
This concert will feature soloists from the choir, as well as grand choruses, scenes from operas and a youthful guest trio of Genii (or
Holy Boys).
The relaxed informal, easy-listening performances will give hints of the dramatic splendours of the opera repertoire.
It will also be a variation from just a string of blockbuster choruses, with some different delights.
The choral society will perform longer sets, like a medley from Faust, a degenerate party scene from Die Fledermaus, and scenes from Purcell’s 1689 masterpiece, Dido and Aeneas, which ends with the famous Lament, accompanied by harpsichord and cello.
Ironically, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is advertising “a harpsichord coming to Gisborne”.
Thanks to the generosity of Professor Jack Richards, the Choral Society has been the proud owner of such an excellent instrument for many years. She is called Fifi, and will flaunt her wares once again this Sunday.
“Not that you shouldn’t also go to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra on June 20,” says choral conductor Gavin Maclean.
The major player throughout, on harpsichord and piano, is Coralie Hunter, holding the choir together and rendering some amazing accompaniments. Though reduced from often huge orchestral compositions, these can be highly evocative.
The cello player, Riki Reedy, is a young star performer who will play alongside the various solo singers from the choir, and a junior trio in the Magic Flute, Aston Lawton, Madeleine Poulter and Te Rei Forbes.
In further contrast to the Messiah concert, which had to pay for outside guests and airfares, admission to this concert, including afternoon tea, is by koha.
■ The Gisborne Choral Society presents A Taste of Opera. Sunday June 11, at 2pm at St Andrew’s Church.