An Community Organic Day will be held at Wrights Vineyard and Winery on Sunday.
Wrights Wines is hosting a Community Organic Day at their vineyard in Manutuke at 4pm on Friday, as part of their Organic Wine Week celebrations. It was supposed to be held last weekend, but had to be postponed.
There will be a chance to get your hands dirty planting flax at
the vineyard followed by the creation of Gisborne’s first community organic biodynamic cow pat pit. They have collected a good amount of cow dung which will then be mixed with some biodynamic preparations. These are then kneaded into a dough-like consistency before being buried. This will compost down over a couple of months before being dug up.
“The result will be a beautiful rich soil which people can come and take home to use on their gardens,” says Wrights Wines’ Geoff Wright.
“We will also be putting down some cow horns which are filled with the cow pat mixture. This is used to create biodynamic preparations once they are dug up some months later.”
The community day is a chance to learn about biodynamic processes and how to create a cow pat pit.