Our region is really wasteful with our water resource; we tend to be a net polluter of our water; we tend to use chemical fertilisers rather than organic fertilisers; the world is awash with plastic; we produce more waste than we should; we use too many fossil fuels in our trucks, cars and lighting; biodiversity is reducing and the possums and stoats are winning.
Business (and everyone) is constantly being told that we have to be more “sustainable” and “environmentally friendly” and more like the Scandanavians! (They are so good). Businesses can join any number of organisations: Climate Leaders Coalition, Sustainable Business Network, Sustainable Business Council, UN Sustainable Business. But what is a business really to do?
The Gisborne Chamber of Commerce is part of a wider international network of business chambers around the world. Collectively we are part of the International Chambers of Commerce, or ICC, and we use this extensive network to capture new ideas for the advocacy and promotion of the business environment.
In recent years, it has been more about business and the environment. We have recently signed up to a Chamber Climate Coalition, an international movement founded on the view that the practical response to climate change must be rooted in local businesses and communities.
Now you could say, “So what! Another organisation”, and you would be right; signing up won’t make any difference if there are no actual changes and actions — in just the same way that the council simply declaring a Climate Emergency will not in itself change anything.
So we can’t just talk, we need to help lead and support climate change responses in this region’s business community. In general we can’t worry about the rest of the world’s problems but we have the power to solve our own problems, and in some cases to be a significant leader nationally. (Don’t get me started about the reuse of wastewater for irrigation).
With this in mind, I am looking forward to 2020 at the Gisborne Chamber of Commerce. We have restructured operations with the exit of Terry Sheldrake to take up a seat on the council. Lena Bevan has been appointed to the role of manager and provides new insight and ideas, which is exciting. We will use the platform of our First Thursday networking events at the Works and BA5s to discuss and showcase some of the most excellent talent and ideas we have in our community, and hopefully inspire locals to do more to make a difference.
Paul Naske is president of Gisborne Chamber of Commerce.