The Act is intended to address not only serious offending such as exploitation and people trafficking, but also lower-end non-compliance with minimum standards.
At the lower end of the scale, the Act amends the Immigration Act 2009 by introducing three new infringement offences punishable by fine:
■ Employing a person not entitled under the Immigration Act to work in the role;
■ Employing a person in a role or under conditions that are inconsistent with those provided in their visa application;
■ Failing to provide documents requested by immigration officers, who are now authorised to access employment papers.
The penalty for an infringement is $1000 or $3000 per infringement, depending on whether the employer is an individual or body corporate or other entity.
Employers will be required to comply with requests from the Labour Inspectorate to provide employment-related documents.
A penalty regime for offending at the lower end of the scale has been introduced. Previously the only avenue available to curtail infringement was criminal prosecution, which was expensive, time consuming and an inappropriate response.
Convictions for serious breaches of the law, such as exploiting migrant workers through forced labour, can now result in offenders being disqualified from managing or directing New Zealand companies.
Any employer convicted of an offence under the Act or issued with an infringement notice can now have their details and the infringement published on a public register.
■ Jannine O’Meara is a Business Central employment relations consultant for Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne. She has had extensive HR experience with Fletcher Challenge Forests and most recently with Wattie’s. Contact: or 022 454 1979